Saturday 8 August 2015

Health Benefits of Date Palms

The polyphenols in date palm might help fight allergies.
The polyphenols in date palm might help fight allergies.
Native to the northern Africa, date palms give rise to the date fruit, a staple in many Middle Eastern cuisines. Dates provide you with fuel to get through the day -- a serving of four dates contains 266 calories, mostly from natural sugars that you cells can use for energy. While you should practice portion control with dates to prevent overeating, incorporating them into your diet can benefit your health.


Dates contain potassium, an essential electrolyte. Potassium helps control your fluid levels and helps lower your blood pressure. It also makes your body less sensitive to sodium, so you're less likely to suffer a large spike in blood pressure after a sodium-rich meal. Consuming potassium also benefits your nervous system, as your nerves rely on potassium to communicate with each other. A serving of four dates boasts 668 milligrams of potassium -- 14 percent of your recommended daily intake, according to the Institute of Medicine.


Dates also contain polyphenols, a type of beneficial chemical found in some plant-based foods. Polyphenols function as antioxidants, protecting your cells from oxidative damage to your DNA, cellular lipids and proteins that otherwise would cause disease. An animal study, published in the "Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology" in 2012, indicates that it also might regulate your immune system to help fight allergies. While the effects of date polyphenols on humans requires further investigation, they show potential for protecting your health.

Dietary Fiber

Dates serve as a rich source of carbohydrates, including dietary fiber. Fiber passes through your digestive system unchanged, adding bulk to your stool to make it softer and easier to pass. Consuming fruits that contain fiber protects against heart disease, and dietary fiber also benefits individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A serving of four dates boosts your fiber intake by 6.4 grams -- 26 percent of the daily fiber intake for women or 17 percent for men, notes the Institute of Medicine.

Consuming More Date Palms

Dates' sweet taste makes for a satisfying and nutrient-dense snack. Mix whole or chopped dates into homemade granola, muesli or trail mix, or use dates to add flavor to hot or cold cereals or Greek yogurt. Try combining dates, cocoa powder, almonds and peanuts in a food processor, and shape the resulting mixture into all-natural energy bars. Alternatively, cut your dates open lengthwise, and top each with low-fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt for a protein-rich snack.


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